
The primary objectives of this conference are:

  1. To bring together experts in high dimensional probability and those in a number of the "areas of strong interaction" to discuss some of the major problems in this area and report on progress towards their solution.
  2. To facilitate interactions and communications between the experts actively involved in the development of new theory in high dimensional probability, and leading researchers in statistics, machine learning, and computer science. Our intention is to deepen contacts between several different communities with common research interests focusing
    on probability inequalities, empirical processes, strong approximations, Gaussian and related chaos processes of higher order, Markov processes, and applications of these methods to a wide range of problems in other areas of mathematics or to applications in statistics, optimization theory, and machine learning.
  3. To foster and develop interest in this area of research by new researchers and recent Ph.D.'s in mathematics, statistics, and computer science. There are many interesting and exciting problems, which can be formulated in a way that can be understood by graduate students, postdoctoral students, and new researchers. We plan to capitalize on this by including a number of promising young people in the program for this conference.